The day is bright and brilliant, not a cloud in the sky. I place my phone and coffee on hood of the car and set the bagels on the seat.. .sip on my french vanilla and get in the car... I crank the tunes.. roll down the windows and I'm JAMMING to Black Eyed Peas.. "Ima Be." I make my right onto the street and hear Badoombadoom doom... Bump bump.. booom.. I look on the road and there's nothing there... I turn down the radio and listen to my tires and I brush it off and sail to the red light...
Then despite my No Phone Zone pledge, I reach for my Blackberry and... okay must be in my purse.. hmm... maybe in the seat... nothing
It was on the top of the car!!! That was the boom!!! Shit Shit Shit... I picture my blackberry smashed into 2000 pieces scattered on the road... I make a super illegal U-turn... Swing around.. stop traffic and then I find it.. lying innocently on the concrete.. perfectly protected by it's rubber case...
And that's my idea of a perfect case of the Mondays!!!