I woke up this morning, not feeling like P.Diddy.. but feeling like me. I turned to see if The Practice was on FX and it wasn't.. at some point I have to get the whole series through nexflix...
Got up, read The Happiness Project... thanks b... then made breakfast and coffee.. I love being able to make a homemade breakfast on the weekend.. It's so much better than the carb fest I have during the week... whether oatmeal or bagel.. it's just not the same as hot homemade breakfast.. mmm..
Now, I am blogging to you... being grateful that my life is what it is....
My coteacher's daughter is having a bday party today.. and I'm excited to go.. I found a family down here.. and it's wonderful. My coteacher takes care of me and has my back and it's wonderful.. it feels good.. to be apart of something that has no strings attached.. no pressure.. nothing but love...
I dont know that she knows how grateful I am but I think that she knows how much she means to me and how much I love that she includes me...
We couldn't be more different... but I think our hearts are the same.
Love is great no matter where you find it :-)