Skin and Bones

mmmhmmmmmm sooo everyone is into thick chics with a fat ass and thighs and all that shit... but I must admit.. i'm into that sexy girl with hip bones and a sexy sternum LMAO. a hard stomach mmmmhmmmmm  YES!  and i had my hands all over one last night.. get it Spidey. get it! :-) 

Quote of day:

"You could be partaking in your demonic influences..having sex with women...."



Dizzy Gillespie

Puffer Fish
I love this picture. That is all :-)   Reminds me of Dizzy Gillespie and how amazing he was and how in awe I was watching him on the cosby show.

Ahhh I love Stephen King!

A fine summary

Words to Live By

All you need is already within you, only you must approach yourself with reverence and love. Self-condemnation and self-distrust are grievous errors…all I plead with you is this: make love of yourself perfect.
— Sri Nisargadatta

Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle - The DPA Gift Lounge - Day Two
She is so super cute.. omg she is on the new show Suits on USA or TBS or TNT or whatever... and she's just soooo cute.

And she went to Northwestern University AND she used to work for the US Embassy in some random country... and yeah.. she's just the bees knees!


Im in love with a girl who doesnt want to love me.  I mean we're friends and all my friends hate her for how she acts and I want to.  I want to hate her... but I love her.  So i'm trying to love her and love me and let my actions choose me first.  Ive never had to dabble in unrequited love before. It sucks. balls.  Here's to me never having to do it again.