The most hilarious gchat today ever... a friend says.. Let's make a summer bucket list and do everything on it! Sounds awesome right? Yes.... except.. she is the busiest person god ever created.. I mean.. when people tell me they are too busy, I always laugh and think "Heffa, you ain't Michelle Obama!" But when it comes to this chic.. she is that busy LOL So I'm making the list.. with 100 per cent fluidity lol and 70% confidence it'll happen.. And I'm so bogus cause I know she's gonna read this :-) Love you!!!
1. shoot the hooch
2. Braves Game
3. Movie at Central Park
4. Etowah Indian Mounds
5. I'm going to see Aziz Ansari on June 20!!!
Mind you I'm still trying to finish my 101 in 1001 days.. which I think I have a good shot of getting all the important stuff done that isn't money dependent!
Let's do it girl!! You might make me stick in Atlanta longer than the 4 more days I was planning!