Public Service Announcement!!

Alright, So I was talking to one of my friends today and he was going to the gym. I told him I work out too (shut up, i do) So I said I was trying to hit the weights soon you know get strong... And he was not excited. I was intrigued.. thinking about how the guys I know are not into big chics.. and he put me on the game... He said three valuable nuggets of wisdom... and I said I would pass it along.

1. Men love that feminine jiggle!
2. Men do not find six-packs to be a turn on.
3. The pouch is NOT a bad thing!!!! :-)

So ladies.. I am hanging up my gym shoes.. I am going to eat some chips and let my feminine jiggle grow :-)

Men.. feel free to let me know your thoughts on this one man's opinion!

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