Authentic Self

I have started to speak my dreams into existence. By articulating the things that I want they are coming into my life. I am doing the damn thing at my job. I have made some great people who I appreciate and who allow me to be myself. I have truly lived the truth. I have followed my gut, in times when the short term benefit would have been wonderful, and I do mean wonderful... but I've let any dis-ease in my body know that I am not on the right path. I honestly have been able to tap into myself and bring good people into my life automatically. :-) I am happy. I re-read my mission statement and it is the bomb. I wanna get an artist to make it beautiful so I can put it in my room.. or maybe thats my first art project for my apartment :-) and it will hang on the wall in the living room for everyone to see. Sounds just about right to me.

:-) I think I might be able to get a little wee one with no tonsils to help me :-)


1 comment:

b.goody said...

Me help do what again?

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