Week 1 of Bootcamp is DONE!!!

The workouts are intense... they push you hard.. my muscles HURT.. some muscles I dont think I have ever worked out before in my life! OMG I feel accomplished.. my food log book is keeping my eating right.. So i managed to NOT put down the 2 sour patch kids I had today... BUT next week if I drink wine.. then I'll get 5 extra mins of working out.. WOMP.. i am ready to work the program though. I want to make sure that at the end of this 4 weeks.. I look GREAT! I have lost 13 pounds since January! I am feeling better.. my clothes are starting not to fit.. All in all.. Spidey is making it happen.. I need to sit and do my measurements so I have an accurate account of my progress... but rest assured.. I'm getting it in.. It reminds me of being on line.. yet I signed up for it again LOL anyway...

I'll holla at you at the end of week 2..

1 comment:

identitycrisis said...

So jealous. I'm out of workout mode. I injured my foot just as I was getting in a groove. I can't wait to get back on top of my game.

Keep up the awesome work!

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